The sound of launching the Oppo Reno 8 series in India is right around the corner. The smartphone was manufactured in China back in May and recently the company is gearing up to launch the smartphones for the Indian market. Oppo’s Reno 8 series consists of Oppo Reno 8, Oppo Reno 8+, and Oppo Reno 8 Pro smartphones. According to the upcoming reports, the makers of oppo are all set to launch their two latest models from the Reno 8 series for the Indian market. Oppo Reno 8 claims to get launched on July 18.
Latest sources have confirmed that the company is planning to launch the vanilla Oppo Reno 8 along with Oppo Reno 8 Pro in India, and rebrand Oppo Reno 8+ as Oppo Reno 8 Pro for the Indian market might also get available soon. The Oppo Reno 8 in India will likely feature 6.7 inch AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. Rumors are heard that the device will sport a triple rear camera setup with a 50MP primary sensor, 8MP ultrawide sensor, and 2MP macro sensor along with a 32MP selfie shooter.
We hope that the new Oppo Reno 8 series get much more success than the earlier series Oppo Reno 7.